I thought it was time to work on something new. So here it is - "Neoperdition". It is not just a gallery of my artworks, but there is a story as well. An ongoing story. Kinda like a novel I would say. At least an attempt.
There are characters. They have their own stories of how they got stuck in [something-otherworldly-and-not-this-dimensional-but-yet-so-real-and-mysterious], psychological, puzzled world called 'Neoperdition'. The stories, also known as 'fragments' will be dispersed all around the site, in no particular order and eventually they will assemble the story... just like little puzzle pieces.
Anyway, too much talking, it's time for you to head straight to the Digital Art section or bookmark Neoperdition.
Thanks for reading : )

Another personal project, soon to come. A cross between the ARG (Alternate Reality Game) and Silent Hill [the whole story]
This one will involve the story behind, a prospective long run story.
[just] something to keep an eye on. ;)

I believe in the deepness of my wicked mind that it is time for a little update around here.
Tons of new things in life held me back a bit from working on new ART.projects, however the reincarnation of eerie visions lies in the corner just around here...
Many thanks to all supporters and those who seem to [regardless of absence of new projects] visit my website regularly and [hopefully] enjoy my art.
New year - new inspirations [something wicked this way comes]
GRAND CHANGES are on their way.

I updated some minor details on the website and plus I changed the thumbnails on Digital Art page, because the previous thumbnails were a bit small and not so eye - catching, I think... And also I added two new deviations there.
I also updated the Info page and made it much much more more easier to navigate. :)

I'm happy that the design did not lose its scary look. Though at some point I thought of making a "kind" design, but well... This is what I got. I called it "The Orchid" because somehow (I have no idea why) the orchid is related to gothic style for me. Even though it is a very special, clean and beautiful flower.
As from the side of Photoshop and the design, there were 219 Layers in total. Yes, it is just a big graphic at the top, but there were really many ornamental layers and paths... I might add a little flash animation at the top soon.
Well... Welcome and hope you like the new design.